We are NOT trying to form a new lasting political party. American will always be a two-party state. We can, however, transform our government in EIGHT years if we start NOW. Here is how.
It's time to set aside the old idea that leadership is one great man with a lot of followers. "We the People", the COL, working together, can change our future. Click on the Mail Icon in the lower right of the screen to send us your ideas.
Ask for $25 dollar membership dues to begin funding our political action.
Why the Libertarian Party? To elect officials in America, we must be on the ballot. The Republicans and Democrats have created massive barriers to new political parties. Over the last 50 years, the Libertarian Party has broken those barriers but has failed to muster a strong presence. We can change that by either joining local affiliates or joining existing ones.
Running a strong campaign within the Libertarian Party, we will win district, state, and national elections and modify the national platform to gain widespread support.
Maybe you will run?
With control of two branches of government, we can implement almost all of our reforms EXCEPT constitutional amendments. We need massive majorities in Congress and we need state houses.
With the Second Bill of Rights we will have completed our task.
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